Apr articles

The Social Effects of Quality

When you take the time to deliver high quality your users respond with open hearts. They cheer you on. They are more than willing to give back to you considering the convenience you have afforded them. The world is awash with base attempts that promise heaven and fail to even …

HPC: Excessive Inventory

The trend for most scientific computations to be run on clusters or grids hides the need for improvements in computational design. Using high performance computing (HPC) resources typically involves providing prodigious amounts of compute and memory (and by extension networking). It is inevitable that the demand for storage should increase …


Some tasks are unmanageable. Their inherent complexity renders external accountability impossible because the level of understanding required is just as complex as carrying out the task as to make it too expensive to manage. Such a relationship requires trust from the manager and honesty from the executor. For example, scientific …

The Five Sources of Wealth

As far as I can tell, there are only five sources of wealth:InheritanceLuckCreativity (not mere imagination)Talent (at a world class standard)Theft (like most politicians in poor countries)Only one is within most peoples control and not subject to sudden loss: creativity.

A Startup Is A Promise

Every startup is a promise that the new product or service on offer will be here to stay at a quality level that meet expectations. The novelty of the startup allows its potential clients to give it a chance to fulfil this promise. This only last for so long after …

Capital Threshold

I've tried searching on Google for this but apparently it's not a thing. The idea of a capital threshold is the minimum required capital required for an investment to be profitable. It applies to different economic jurisdictions implying that different economies incurr different capital costs to establish enterprises. Ideally, an …