The Absurdity of Redesign

Posted 20 hours ago | Originally written on 22 Oct 2024
Apple is famous for having a design studio that operates independently of the rest of the Apple company.2 At Apple, product design is everything. Apple does not care if it adheres to Agile or to any particular philosophy except for its own, which has proven to be successful. This illustrates just how important product design is—it is arguably more important than Agile.
Agile 2.0

The essence of a product is captured during design. The practice of design is to facilitate the exploration of the domain so that when the productive act commences it is efficient and on target. Therefore, to claim that one would like to ‘fix the design’ or ‘redesign’ seems antithetical to the thing. It is perfectly in order to abandon a design prior to production but to have proceeded fully into production then peddle back to design is absurd.