More on strategy

Posted 6 days, 8 hours ago | Originally written on 16 Oct 2024

This is continuation of thoughts I began some time back.

Why would anyone need strategy? Progress.

Why not just implement a plan to achieve progress? Uncertainty.

What are the sources of uncertainty?

  1. Change in the environment. The environmen is never static but we don't always know how the change will manifest.
  2. Lack of control e.g., other people have free will. We cannot control them but to get them to adopt our course of action we need a way to induce them to act in line with our pursuit for progress.
  3. Randomness. Some of the uncertainty cannot be predicted independent of free will. For example, the direction of the wind is impossible to predict therefore anyone who would rely on the wind blowing a particular direction would have to account for its random variation.

What do you need to craft a strong strategy?

  1. A clear end goal in mind. Having a clear goal in mind is the antidote for uncertainty in achieving it. Let there be uncertainty in all but the goal.
  2. Situational awareness. Understand where things stand at the moment but remember, because change can arise at any moment, this should be an ongoing concern.
  3. A compelling theory by which to achieve your end goal. What is the cascade sequence by which you anticipate to bring about the end goal? The stronger the links between each sequence the more likely to make progress.
  4. A strategy champion. There needs to be a one and only one person who is restless around not accomplishing the goal.

Also bear in mind that just because you're moving in the direction doesn't mean that you're traveling along the right path. It may be that you need to take some twists and turns to secure your trajectory. Keep your eyes open for the need to briefly change course.