I'm going to use OpenCV 3.0.0 (https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/archive/3.0.0.zip) though I haven't decided whether I'll use C++ or Python. I might start with Python to build the prototype then move on to C++ for the actual production code. The library documentation can be found at http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/modules/text/doc/ocr.html.In order to …
Nearly all African countries began self-rule on the wrong foot. By the time they were 'in charge' of their own destiny they had already developed a healthy appetite for the colonist's produce. Tragic. And no one had the wherewithal to realise the long term implications.Over fifty years on and …
Create the userme@home ~$ sudo adduser <username> I like to use a default password that is easy to remember 'Password01' for first log in.Add the user to any additional groups neededme@home ~$ sudo adduser <username> <group> Enforce change password on first loginme@home ~$ sudo chage -d 0 <username> …
I'm getting a bit concerned about how Africa is being overrun by foreigners to the extent that very little room is being left for the locals to develop their lives. Foreigners are far more competitive and better-placed to take advantage of resources and this presents a difficult situation. On the …